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MINUTES, FEBRUARY 23, 2004 – 4:30 pm

MEMBERS: Chair, George Latimer; Legislator: R. Wishnie

IN ATTENDANCE: County Executive’s Office: William Randolph, Michael Trinchi

Chair Latimer called the meeting to order at 4:30 a.m.

Chair Latimer approved Minutes of January 26, 2004 meeting. Motion by Mr. Wishnie, seconded by Mr. Latimer. Vote 2-0 in favor.

Chair Latimer spoke about a memo which was received and filed which Mr. Latimer had sent from his last term, identifying items on the agenda as the year closed. One was a proposed Workers’ Memorial, which was a presentation made originally by the representatives of the AFL-CIO Central Labor Body.

Chair Latimer asked Mike Trinchi for a brief update on where the Workers Memorial stands.

Update on Workers’ Memorial

Mr. Trinchi visited a few Westchester County parks as a possible site for the building of a Workers’ Memorial Monument. Some possible sites include: Glen Island Park, Tibbits Brook and Croton Park. He took pictures of each site and brought them to the AFL-CIO Central Labor Body’s Community Service Committee, which will make the recommendation as to which site they feel is the best for their future monument.

Anne D’Orazio, President of the Westchester Community College Federation of Teachers spoke to the President of WCC and asked if there was an area of the college campus that could be donated for the monument and President Hankin agreed and has dedicated a piece of property.

At the next Community Service Committee meeting, they looked a pictures of the site at the college and all were in agreement that this was the right place for the monument and would go forward to get drawings for what they hope will be a memorial to remember the workers who died on the job.

Chair Latimer asked that Mr. Trinchi attend the July meeting for another progress report.

On motion by Mr. Wishnie, seconded by Mr. Latimer, meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

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